Consider the following study that business executives continue to judge the quality of an organization by the printed materials it produces. Call or E-mail us for a brief Capabilities Presentation in personand discover how we will add to the success of your business. | Westport CT:- A new opinion poll conducted by Yankelovich Clancy Shulman indicates that business executives continue to judge the quality of an organization by the printed materials it produces. The study found that corporate identity materials (letterhead, envelopes and business cards) were second only to annual sales in a list of seven items that could convey the prestige of a company. These materials were rated ahead of such choices as the length of a companys existence, location of headquarters, charitable activities, number of employees, and from where employees are recruited. The sample included business decision makers in a cross-section of industries in New York, Chicago, Houston and San Jose, and was sponsored by the Engraved Stationery Manufacturers Association (ESMA). "In a business environment crowded with faxes, computer-to-computer communications and voice mail, we were surprised that the majority of those studied still look to corporate identity materials for their perception of a companys professionalism and attitude toward their clients," commented Harold E. Quinley, senior vice president of the Yankelovich firm, which is among the leading market research pollsters in the country. When asked how a business can convey a professional image, 92% of the executives said the quality of a companys corporate identity materials was either very important or somewhat important. As for what people want in such materials, those surveyed ranked readability, conveying professionalism, showing that a company cares about its clients, quality paper and cardstock, and high quality printing as desirable attributes. A majority of business executives report that the quality of a companys Corporate Identity materials is "very important" in conveying a prestigious image to clients and associates. In a battery of seven items, it placed second only to "annual sales of the company" in communicating a prestigious image. |  | According to the ESMA, the study is especially useful ... because of its clear implication that corporate identity materials carry much responsibility for marketing a company to its customers, that such program should be professionally designed and implemented, and that standards should be upheld beyond the initial identity program. Basing his remarks on the fact that nearly two out of three executives in the study believed that the cost of corporate identity materials should be considered as a market expense as opposed to an office or a expense, Quinley concludes that: "This study shows just how dangerous it is to start looking at these materials as nothing more than office supplies." Copies of the entire study - entitled Corporate Identity: Image Impact Analysis - are available to designers and art directors by writing to the ESMA, PO. Box 757, Avon CT 06001. | Call or E-mail us for a brief Capabilities Presentation in personand discover how we will add to the success of your business. | | |