| | TCI strategized and authored new Brand Identity, new Logo, Slogan and marketing collateral. Clean, technology look features happy end-users enjoying the PacificNet personal and professional experience. | TCI strategized and authored six-panel brochure inside picks up themes of "adventure", "technology" and the PacificNet experience with features and benefits to customers. Interior shots show only a few of the many banks and rooms of state-of-the-art equipment. Copy bullet-points features, body copy highlights benefits. Full Logo and Brand Identity Presentation, additional assignments including strategy for business cards, stationery. [shown only in person] |  |   | TCI authored new CD jacket sporting new slogan, logo and visual image of people working with technology. Inside spread shows happy family sharing the PacificNet experience. Colors are bright and contemporary. Final CD jacket is six-panel with a pocket for CD installation updates, special offers. | | |