
Clients: Local 847 Set Designers and Model Makers,
Local 790 Illustrators and Matte Artists

Assignment: Strategize and design union websites for members
Local 790 union website designed by Todaro Communications

TCI was retained to design websites for both unions, which included resource information for prospective members, newsletters, contact information, and a secure section where members could sign-in and set up a profile complete with work examples.

Each member could be searched for by their name or any project they had worked on, which then displayed their profiles and examples of their work.

This proved valuable to members in search of new assignments.

Each site retained the existing brand look of the union's collateral and was designed for easy searches and fast downloads.

Additionally, TCI maintained both sites on a monthly basis and consulted with union officers to keep information current and accurate.

In late 2008, both unions were merged into the parent 800 IATSE union.

Local 847 website designed by Todaro Communications

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